Sunday, January 6, 2008


A friend of mine confessed that she hoped for more boldness in the upcoming year. A seeker of the same, she tends to walk through life a little more quietly than I do. If one were to put the two of us together and just watch as we communicated, one would gather right off the bat that I was by far the bolder of the two just by the manner in which I conduct myself. But this isn’t always the case, for just today, I have decided to release the address of this blog to a few select and I have felt sheepish as this decision comes with MUCH hesitation . . . vulnerability is now at hand.

We often CONFUSE the nature of the word with a set of perceived ideas that surround the definition of the word, for BOLDNESS does not necessarily mean LOUD and DIRECT. Yes – loud and ‘in your face’ is mostly recognized as being bold – but many a quiet soul, has been recognized for boldness.

Boldness - the very first definition is: not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff.

. . . NOT HESITATING or FEARFUL in the face of . . . .rebuff. Let me just say . . . I can tell you a few things about being rebuffed . . .

When I think of Ghandi . . . I think of quiet boldness – I have witnessed his character from the confines of my couch . . . quiet boldness. It’s the character of one’s spirit.

I shared with my friend that I have already witnessed boldness in her . . . and quite honestly hope to attain that same quiet boldness . . . a quiet confidence in the abilities that I am bestowed.

May you find your boldness in this new year . . .

1 comment:

truewonder said...

Bold and beautiful, that's a fact. What a no surprise at all. And to think you've been hiding this bright, bold light under an apple basket.
I would looooove to dis my ex here a bit, but I'm too worried about his feelings, his ego-although he did not hesitate to crush mine and mine's.
Maybe, after all...I'll borrow some of your extra strength some day and do just that.
As for me and my FitStar-a combination that makes up two names that I cherish-I won't give myself away to him or anyone, ever. Just a mesh hopefully, like the name-side by side. As you have taught me girl, thanks. Take care-