Saturday, March 29, 2008

‘Russian Roulette’

Today, I am deeply saddened by the news of a friend that had been in a terrible auto accident. She was returning home from work this past Wednesday when she was in this horrible accident that left her with major head trauma . . . and within just days, she has passed away. She leaves behind a husband and three daughters.

While I know deep down, this is not the case, I feel sometimes there is a larger than life game of Russian Roulette being played. I sit here and think of all the times I have been so careless behind the wheel – putting my head down to look for something, taking that call and trying to drink my coffee at the same time, breaking up a fight between my kids where I peer in the review mirror to give that “you’ve pushed me to the limit” glare – all the while driving at regular speeds. I am fully aware that on several occasions, the Good Lord has spared me from my stupidity.

I am betting that this friend played by the rules. I am betting that this friend was driving appropriately.

So it makes me wonder . . . WHY?

Why does the ONE have to go while the IDIOT still stands?

I sit here tonight, quite shaken from this news . . . these last few weeks have been quite heavy with the passing of another great woman in my life – a woman who was blessed to have a long life – and many other stories of courageous health battles, etc… I sit here and feel a little bit like I did after 911 – when I realized my sense of ‘security’ had been stolen.

I sit here and think when is that bullet gonna hit me? Just how many times have I put that gun to my head as I spin the barrel of carelessness?

Many . . . including myself, will often share sympathetic words like, “there’s got to be a reason for all things . . . “ If this reason is partially to help ME realize something, I am truly sorry to the family of this friend. I hope you all realize just how great she was and just how much her passing will forever remind me to be more responsible behind the wheel – to appreciate every moment as if it truly is our last.

We will miss you Janet ~ 3/29/08


Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Sorry to hear about your friend... my friend died in the 90's and he and I were the best of friends. Though it was his fault for not wearing his helmet on his bike (he was a postman on a motorbike), a truck done an Illegal U-Turn in front of him and he hit the blind side... I was really sad that he died... he was not perfect but I had some good memories about our friendship... he had NO enemies so I understand what you mean how the 'idiots' are the ones that stay... I hate driving though I have to - some people get impatient behind me when driving cause I drive the speed limit and as soon as they can they speed past me... I say 'fine'... I do not want to the be one to cause an accident - how did I get this far into it? Anyway, thinking of you... take care

truewonder said...

To think you called me with this on your sorry sweet heart. There are no words to accompany such a tragedy, none...except words of praise for a life well lived, as you have offered here. In love and light, a memory worth keeping...peace and inspiration to you, take care-