Saturday, March 8, 2008


PATIENCE is the darndest thing . . .

A friend of mine shared, rather humorously (I’m trying to get her to blog!), a moment from her day and a confession of sorts about the events that tested her patience. As always, the dig started, I replied and this is what was shared:


I honestly think God was trying to teach me patience today in leaps and bounds. I head out to go to the post office and get stuck by the loooooooooonest, slooooooooooowest train. Then I stopped by Jewel to get us some more creamer for the office. So I figured I'd pick me up some Tostidos, Cheese and fresh salsa from the deli for my lunch. There were 2 people ahead of me and 2 deli clerks. Thought, ah, that's not bad. Shouldn't be that long of a wait. Of course both people were getting enough cold cuts, cheese and salads for a giant party it seemed. And even worse, this goof ball guy (as cute as he was) gets the last of the salsa. I almost kicked him in the knee........... hey dude, that was for my lunch! And I know from past experience when I was the one to get the last of it (didn't quite fill my container) that what they have in the deli case is all they have. Needless to say, I walked away frustrated. Then I got get my nasal spray and the creamer and head to the Osco counter to pay. Of course the cashier is at the other end working on the picture developer. I'm like.... helllllllllo, you have a customer. Finally she comes. Then I get to the post office and head in. Of course there's the tiniest, most adorable but painfully sloooooooooooooooow little old lady in her cute black slacks, bright pink jacket and matching hat. She's doing to Tim Conway shuffle. I didn't want to disrespect her and go speeding around her, so I just shuffled behind her. Then I stop and get gas on the way back. 29 freaking dollars! Well, there goes another paycheck. Steadily prodding along trying to get back to work before the 11:00 whistle blows and (our scale-guy) turns into a pumpkin I get stuck by yet another slooooooooooooooooooooow, looooooooooooooooooooong train. Son of a gun!!! And then last but not least I get stuck behind the sweeper truck. Ok God, I have patience already...... cut me some slack here.

My reply:

Darlin - you should be a writer - a true gift you have (you really don't realize how great you are - do you?) Almost pee’d my pants with your descriptions.

PATIENCE is the darndest thing - yes, you and Chava really do have it (patience) better than anyone I know (I long to take your example) - but often times it's tested NOT to see if you have it - but to KEEP you APPLYING it so it does not harden. The VIRTUE has to be WORKED regularly for it to be in PRIME SHAPE. Make sense?

ALSO - Take a minute and think back on ALL those that crossed your paths during that time. Had it not been YOU - someone might have knocked that little ol, well-dressed gal down. Had it not been YOU, some counter gal might have gotten chewed out - Had it not been for those two people in front of you - especially that guy who took all the salsa - it might have been YOU that ended up with a stomach ache because I'm betting that salsa was not good!

PROVISIONS are made in ALL ways . . . you just have to be willing to SEE IT.
Well done, good friend.

Remember: When you pray for patience, you will not be given the virture but rather EVERY OPPORTUNITY to GROW the virture . . . when you have the virture, you will be given the opportunities to continue to APPLY that virture.

Keep seeking . . .

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